
Book Chapters

  1. M. Banagar, V. V. Chetlur and H. S. Dhillon: “Stochastic Geometry-based Performance Analysis of Drone Cellular Networks”, in UAV Communications for 5G and Beyond. Y. Zeng, I. Guvenc, R. Zhang, G. Geraci, and D. W. Matolak, eds. Wiley, pp. 233-254, Dec. 2020. (Chapter DOI)

Journal Papers

  1. H. K. Dureppagari, C. Saha, H. S. Dhillon, R. M. Buehrer, “NTN-based 6G Localization: Vision, Role of LEOs, and Open Problems”, IEEE Wireless Communications, to appear. (arXiv)
  2. K. Pandey, K. R. Perumalla, A. K. Gupta, H. S. Dhillon, “Fundamentals of Vehicular Communication Networks with Vehicle Platoons”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, to appear. (IEEE Xplore) (arXiv)
  3. S. M. Azimi-Abarghouyi, H. S. Dhillon, “Matérn Cluster Process with Holes at the Cluster Centers”, Statistics and Probability Letters, vol. 204, Jan. 2024. (SPL Open Access) (arXiv)
  4. K. Pandey, A. K. Gupta, H. S. Dhillon, K. R. Perumalla, “Properties of a Random Bipartite Geometric Associator Graph Inspired by Vehicular Networks”, Entropy, vol. 25, no. 12, Dec. 2023. (Entropy Open Access) (Feature Paper)
  5. M. A. Abd-Elmagid, H. S. Dhillon, “Distribution of the Age of Gossip in Networks”, Entropy, vol. 25, no. 2, Feb. 2023. (Entropy Open Access)
  6. M. Banagar and H. S. Dhillon, “3D Two-Hop Cellular Networks with Wireless Backhauled UAVs: Modeling and Fundamentals”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 21, no. 8, pp. 6417-6433, Aug. 2022. (IEEE Xplore) (arXiv) (GitHub Code)
  7. T. Choi et al., “Energy Efficiency of Uplink Cell-Free Massive MIMO With Transmit Power Control in Measured Propagation Channel” IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems (OJCAS), vol. 2, pp. 792-804, 2021. (IEEE Xplore)
  8. M. Banagar, H. S. Dhillon and A. F. Molisch, “Impact of UAV Wobbling on the Air-to-Ground Wireless Channel”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 11, pp. 14025-14030, Nov. 2020. (IEEE Xplore) (arXiv) (GitHub Code)
  9. M. Banagar and H. S. Dhillon, “Performance Characterization of Canonical Mobility Models in Drone Cellular Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 4994-5009, Jul. 2020. (IEEE Xplore) (arXiv) (GitHub Code) (Video)
  10. M. Banagar, V. V. Chetlur and H. S. Dhillon, “Handover Probability in Drone Cellular Networks”, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 933-937, Jul. 2020. (IEEE Xplore) (arXiv) (Code)

Conference Papers 

  1. X. Tu, C. Saha, and H. S. Dhillon, “Determinantal Learning for Drone Networks”, in Proc. Asilomar, Pacific Grove, CA, Oct. 2023.
  2. W. J. Hussain, K. Pandey, A. K. Gupta, H. S. Dhillon, “Performance of Mobile Cyber-Physical Agents with Discrete Trajectories for Sensing Spatio-Temporal Variables”, in Proc. Asilomar, Pacific Grove, CA, Oct. 2023.
  3. M. A. Abd-Elmagid and H. S. Dhillon, “Moment Generating Function of the Age of Gossip in Networks”, in Proc. Asilomar, Pacific Grove, CA, Oct. 2023.
  4. A. M. Kumar, M. A. Abdel-Malek, J. H. Reed, “Optimization and Control of Autonomous UAV Swarm for Object Tracking”, in Proc. IEEE MILCOM, Boston, MA, Oct. 2023. (Demo Paper)
  5. C. K. Armeniakos, A. G. Kanatas, H. S. Dhillon, “Analysis of Cell Association in mmWave Networks based on Euclidean and Angular Distances”, in Proc. IEEE PIMRC, Toronto, ON, Sep. 2023. (IEEE Xplore)
  6. G. Duggal, R. M. Buehrer, N. Tripathi, J. H. Reed, “Line-of-Sight Probability for Outdoor-to-Indoor UAV-Assisted Emergency Networks”, in Proc. IEEE ICC, Rome, Italy, May 2023. (IEEE Xplore)
  7. K. Pandey, A. K. Pandey, A. K. Gupta, H. S. Dhillon, “Coverage Analysis of a THz Cellular Network in the Presence of Scatterers”, in Proc. IEEE ICC, Rome, Italy, May 2023. (IEEE Xplore)
  8. K. Pandey, A. K. Gupta, K. R. Perumalla, H. S. Dhillon, “Vehicular Communication Networks with Platooned Vehicles: Modeling and Analysis”, in Proc. IEEE ICC, Rome, Italy, May 2023. (IEEE Xplore)
  9. H. K. Dureppagari, D.-R. Emenonye, H. S. Dhillon, R. M. Buehrer, “UAV-Aided Indoor Localization of Emergency Response Personnel”, in Proc. IEEE/ION PLANS, Monterey, CA, Apr. 2023. (IEEE Xplore)
  10. M. Banagar and H. S. Dhillon, “Wobbling and Impairments-Aware Channel Model and its Implications on High-Frequency UAV Links”, in Proc. IEEE Globecom, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Dec. 2022. (IEEE Xplore)
  11. S. Duggireddy, P. C. Stanam, P. D. Mankar, H. S. Dhillon, “On the Properties of Time-Varying SNR Process in Cellular-Enabled UAV Networks”, in Proc. IEEE ICC, Seoul, South Korea, May 2022. (IEEE Xplore)
  12. T. Choi et al., “Using a Drone Sounder to Measure Channels for Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems”, in Proc. IEEE WCNC, Austin, TX, Apr. 2022. (IEEE Xplore) (arXiv)
  13. T. Choi, M. Ito, I. Kanno, T. Ohseki, K. Yamazaki, and A. F. Molisch, “Uplink Energy Efficiency of Cell-Free Massive MIMO with Transmit Power Control in Measured Propagation Channels”, in Proc. Int. Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS), Coimbra, Portugal, Oct. 2021. (IEEE Xplore
  14. J. Gomez-Ponce, T. Choi, N. A. Abbasi, A. Adame, A. Alvarado, C. Bullard, R. Shen, F. Daneshgaran, H. S. Dhillon, A. F. Molisch, “Air-to-Ground Directional Channel Sounder With Drone and 64-antenna Dual-polarized Cylindrical Array”, in Proc. IEEE ICC Workshops, Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2021. (IEEE Xplore) (arXiv)
  15. M. Banagar and H. S. Dhillon, “Fundamentals of 3D Two-Hop Cellular Networks Analysis with Wireless Backhauled UAVs”, in Proc. IEEE Globecom, Madrid, Spain, Dec. 2021. (pdf) (Code)
  16. S. Mulleti, C. Saha, H. S. Dhillon, Y. C. Eldar, “A Fast-Learning Sparse Antenna Array”, in Proc. IEEE Radar Conference, Florence, Italy, Sept. 2020.

Ph.D. Dissertations and M.S. Theses 

  1. Mohamed A. Abd-Elmagid, “Age of Information: Fundamentals, Distributions, and Applications”, Ph.D. Dissertation, Virginia Tech, Spring 2023. (Link)
  2. Morteza Banagar, “Drone Cellular Networks: Fundamentals, Modeling, and Analysis”, Ph.D. Dissertation, Virginia Tech, Spring 2022. (Link)
  3. Aldo Adame, “Creation of a Reconfigurable Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Channel Sounder for 5G Applications”, M.S. Thesis, California State University, Los Angeles, Spring 2020.
  4. Alexandro T. Alvarado, “Drone to Ground Channel Modeling,” M.S. Thesis, California State University, Los Angeles, Spring 2020.
  5. Randy Mendiola, “Characterization of Drone to Ground Communication Channel With Application to 5G Systems,” M.S. Thesis, California State University, Los Angeles, Summer 2021.