- 2023: Dr. Reed will deliver a keynote address titled “6G Communications” at the International Conference on Telecommunications and Photonics (ICTP) 2023.
- 2023: Dr. Reed delivered an IEEE Future Networks Distinguished seminar on Insights into 6G based on Today’s Research.
- 2023: Dr. Dhillon delivered a colloquium seminar on “Stochastic Geometry for Networks” at the University of Pennsylvania.
- 2023: Dr. Reed delivered Dartmouth Jones Seminars on Science, Technology, and Society titled, What to Expect from 6G.
- 2023: Dr. Reed delivered a talk titled “Integrated Access and Backhaul and Uncrewed/Unmanned Aerial Systems” to the Federal Mobility Group (a collection of federal agencies with an interest in mobile communication systems organized by DHS).
- 2023: Dr. Dhillon delivered a colloquium seminar on “Stochastic Geometry for Networks” at the Mathematics Department of Virginia Tech.
- 2023: Dr. Dhillon delivered the 2023 VT EFO Inspiration Seminar on “Wireless Communication Systems: History, Personal Reflections, and Future Prospects”.
- 2023: Dr. Dhillon served on the 2023 IEEE PIMRC Panel focused on Emerging Trends in the Era of 6G and AI.
- 2023: Dr. Reed delivered an invited seminar titled “Issues in 5G Cybersecurity and Research at Virginia Tech to Address These Issues” at the University of Bamenda, Cameroon (organized by ARL for outreach to Africa).
- 2023: Dr. Dhillon served as the co-chair of DroneCom: 6th International Workshop on Drone-Assisted Wireless Communications for 5G and Beyond, which was organized in conjunction with IEEE INFOCOM, New York, May 2023.
- 2022: Dr. Dhillon delivered a keynote titled “Drone-Assisted Cellular Networks: Modeling and Fundamentals” at the DroneCom workshop of ACM MobiCom 2021.
- 2022: Dr. Dhillon and his recent PhD graduate (Dr. Chiranjib Saha, now with Qualcomm) co-edited a special issue on Coexistence of Drone and Terrestrial Networks for IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine. The IEEE Xplore link for the guest editorial is here.
- 2022: Dr. Dhillon served as the co-chair of DroneCom: 5th International Workshop on Drone Assisted Wireless Communications for 5G and Beyond which was organized in conjunction with ACM MobiCom, Sydney, Australia, Oct. 2022.
- 2022: 2021: Several students from Dr. Reed’s Fall 2022 course ECE 5674 (Software Radios: Modern Radio Engineering) did their SDR projects on UAV-related topics.
- 2022: The second offering of Dr. Dhillon’s week-long short course on Machine Learning for Communications was at IIT Bhubaneswar in January 2022. (Event Link)
- 2020-23: The source codes of several of the recent papers were made available on the Stochastic Geometry GitHub page.
- 2021: Open-Source data from channel measurement campaigns between the drone and the 128-element cylindrical array receiver has been shared by the USC team here.
- 2021: Dr. Dhillon delivered a week-long short course on Machine Learning for Communications in the JTG/IEEE ITSoc Summer School in Information Theory, Signal Processing, Telecommunication, and Networking held at IIT Kanpur, India, from June 28, 2021 to July 1, 2021. This course drew ideas from the current project (in particular, the idea of Determinantal learning discussed in Lecture 2). This course educated the broader audience about the applications of machine learning to wireless networks, such as DroTerNets. All the videos of Dr. Dhillon’s lectures are available on YouTube. The completely playlist is available here: link.
- 2021: Dr. Reed delivered tutorials on non-terrestrial networks for EE Times and WSRD group. He included ideas on high-altitude balloons and the emerging 5G standard that supports this.
- 2021: Several students from Dr. Reed’s Fall 2021 course ECE 5674 (Software Radios: Modern Radio Engineering) are doing their SDR projects on UAV communication system planning and one on channel measurements with UAVs. Dr. Reed is also supervising an undergraduate student researcher who is helping to model UAV flight planning using reinforcement learning.
- 2021: Dr. Dhillon served as the co-chair of DroneCom: 4th International Workshop on Drone Assisted Wireless Communications for 5G and Beyond that was organized in conjunction with ACM MobiCom, New Orleans, US, Oct. 2021.
- 2020: Dr. Dhillon delivered a keynote address in Samsung Research India’s annual event titled “India Research Network 2020” that included some ideas from this project. This event was attended by almost 100 Samsung researchers and provided a timely opportunity for getting useful feedback on this research from industry.
- 2020: Dr. Dhillon served as the co-chair of DroneCom: Drone-Assisted Wireless Communications for 5G and Beyond workshop that was organized in conjunction with ACM MobiCom, London, UK, Sept. 2020.
Outreach in High Schools and Universities
- Our goal is to reach High Schools and universities that are interested in a demonstration of our system to present our project. Given the COVID 19 pandemic at the moment these activities are being on hold, but we encourage principals and professors to contact us at the following emails hdhillon@vt.edu, molisch@usc.edu, fdanesh@calstatela.edu, and Marina.Mondin@calstatela.edu if they are interested in these demonstrations.
- You can find attached some pictures related to the project and measurement system below. A sample video of the drone operation is available here: link.